Achieving a rapid rate of success with the most trivial of things...
Yesterday, I aspired to return some sneakers from H&M and with the refunded income, purchase a secondhand (thus cheaper) copy of The Venture Bros. Season 3. I went to Academy Records, my little secret, favorite store in all of New York City, and not only did I find a SEALED copy of VB3, but I also found a sealed copy of Spirited Away... one of the five missing pieces of my sanity... I'll explain some other time.
Today, I sat on the live nation website, sweating nervously at the horrifying idea that for some reason I would not be able to purchase tickets to see The Get Up Kids on May 1st, for their first show in NYC since their break up a few years ago. It was possibly the most nerve racking twenty minutes of my adult life... Goes to show how much little actual drama I go through in my life. Needless to say, I got the tickets (thank TGUK for making it WILL CALL ONLY,) and I can finally see my favorite band of all time play another show, after missing their last show due to working on the road.
I am a late bloomer with technology, but not for lack of trying. I have been coerced into joining Twitter, but I will have to be dragged in kicking and screaming... You see, I am currently tackling the, geriatric to most, new to me, phenomenon of PODCASTS. They are free (for the most part) and incidentally the average length of my walk to and from work. Now I learn for about an hour a day, instead of listening to the same 16gigs of music I have been listening to since Summer 2008.
See, it's all about the little victories!
I say this because I haven't written a page in almost two weeks, and I has done something very interesting to my perspective. It seems my experiment to recharge my creative battery has only proved to me that I am pretty reliant on this whole writing-a-book thing i've been doing as a source of identity. I don't really like not having a goal, or a direction. I've never felt anything like it, possibly a side-effect of the doldrums of the 9-6 job, or...I don't know... something more abstract.
I don't know where I was going with this, but, I am getting back to work tomorrow. That and I think I need to go outside more often. How do I go about doing both exactly?
Is the title of your post one of the lines from OOTFP?
Also, Ryan and I are going to be moving to NY this May! Time to party! We should probably get chicken madness asap...
listen to this american liiiiiiife
Sorry, Dottie! It's a line from Pee Wee's Big Adventure, haha.
And This American Life is on my list, for sure.
i'm jealous of your TGUK tix! been hearing matt pryor's solo album on my xm lately and feeling nostalgic.
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