Whenever i'm having a great time I tend to not document it. Part of the reason why there is little to no documentation of my last year of touring. Either way, here's a quick re-cap, since I woke up too early this morning and have a few minutes to spare.
Last wednesday I was invited to see the Mars Volta. I've never seen them, and my buddy Aric works for Universal (their ex-label) so he got a pair of free tickets, so I said why the hell not. I don't know if you've ever seen them, but I had no idea there was this super-hispanic-pride thing going on with this band. I know they sing in spanish sometimes, and that should have warned me, but the people in front of us had a Gigantic flag they were waving at the end of every song (if you've seen the mars volta you know that means every twenty-thirty minutes)
Very rarely do I get inspired by any sort of fashion icon. I never see an ad or a mannequin and thing, man, that could be me. But have you ever seen Cedric and Omar? I know I was in the mezzanine, but from that distance they looked like the coolest mother-fuckers I've ever seen. Maybe it's the hispanic fiber of my being, but I couldn't stop thinking about how I could create a strange punk-rocker-salsa-dancer aesthetic in my life. But, these feelings quickly subsided, as I entered my almost completely white world.
I like to post set lists for bands, but I couldn't even begin to figure that one out. I think they only played like seven songs (i'm being serious) and played for like 2 hours. It was amazing, but you kinda just have to go with it and no concentrate on waiting to see if they'll play your favorites (they didn't)
This took longer than I thought. I have to go to work. Next Up my experience at the free Bloc Party concert @ Roseland Ballroom.