I got sick to my stomach early on in the day, attempting to communicate with my ex-girlfriend. I sent her a birthday present last week, and she liked it, so of course I had to pester her to the point of embarrassment. Lesson learned.
Work was rougher than usual, and this week is going to be pretty crazy, but the silver lining was that I got to see my good friends / ex touring partners Meg & Dia today. Not only did I get to hear some of the new disc (amazing) but I got to enjoy their company for the better part of a whole NYC evening, which consisted of Dinner, drinks, and bull riding. I took it for granted because, i'm so used to seeing their faces everyday, that saying goodbye to them is slightly surreal. Chances are I won't see any of them until next year (except maybe Nick and Carlo if they come out for my birthday!) so, here's to the biggest relief of the day... something i've been rep-ing hard for the last few days: I love my friends. They are scattered across this odd shaped continent, but they make me who I am, and I would do anything for them, even when I don't tour manage them anymore (see, tomorrow, how is meg getting back to chestnut ridge, ny)
Hung out with Suejean (edit), she's back in town. Happy seven year anniversary, Suej. Here's a photo of the good times.

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