In Texas' living room.

I went to Texas for New Years Eve 2008. I went with my Brown friend Sadaf, and my White friend Laura. Together we made an oreo.

Continuing on our Texas adventure, we discovered these coasters at a Liquor Store. Neither Sadaf nor I are Indian. But if we had Indian names...

In Texas they sell Guava / Mango flavored Pop Tarts.

At the hotel in Austin. Nash (pinball), Dusty (Texas' brother) and us did Freedom shots. It made sense at the time.

My roommate and I played a lot of Mario Kart Wii in 2008. My friend Julian made a Mii on my Wii, and this appeared one late night after completing a circuit. It's pretty spot on.

My roommate fell in love with Daisy, upon learning of her existence in a Previous Mario Kart game. Game FAQs explained the means, and we spent hours and hours trying to succeed in unlocking her. We failed, and went our separate ways for the evening. I woke up early the next morning to try again, and I was victorious. I sent this picture to her phone, so it would be the first thing she saw in the morning. Needless to say, I was her Hero.

One of the best gifts I ever received. My co-worked Nicole bought this for me, based on my love of bacon, and my namesake. We subsequently began selling it on our website. Obviously, It was a huge hit.

Omar HTL and I. A terrific gentleman. Probably at Mason Dixon. That's where most of my memories are lost these days.

Sugar Pants! We asked customers of Fred Flare to submit Valentines for charity last year. This was one of them. It's a belt, apparently.

The Menu of Kati Roll. Heaven on Earth. If you like Indian food, please seek this place out.

Caitlin Farnsworth. One of the two loves of my life. She lives over a thousand miles away from me. This was when I went out to visit her and...

Jen Polus. The other love of my life. Here we are on the Milwaukee coast. It was winter, and it was cold, but this is one of my most vivid memories of the last few years.

A mansion along the coast of Milwaukee.

An earlier doodlebug, well before I got the scanner installed at my desk.

The best T-Shirt ever made. I'm very mad that I didn't buy it, though I'm sure I could find it easily if I searched for it online.

Doubles! My mother introduced these to me when I complained that I had no breakfast options being Lactose Intolerant. This is a West Indian breakfast sandwich, comprised of a warm flatbread and curried chickpea with a splash of tamarind sauce.

This is at Sangh's on Liberty Ave, the best place to get doubles in queens (or so I'm told)

Fried Rice and Beans. A late night concoction by my roommate Cat Kim. That's what you get when you house a Korean and a Puerto Rican together for a year.
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