Thursday, January 22, 2009

On LOST 5x01/02

I had to write a recap of the first two episodes of LOST season 5 for my work blog. It's on right now (that's where I work, in case you didn't know)

But what I didn't get to detail about, in my reader friendly recap, was how much respect I have for the writers and creators of the show. Surprisingly, I went into Season 5 with mixed emotions. It's hard to get excited about a show that has been so constantly good. I half-expected to be disappointed (guess that shows what kind of person I am...) Not disappointed in the sense that I thought it would be bad, but from a story teller's perspective, I could not for the life of me see what they were going to do this season, and keep the momentum they had built in the seasons past.

I was completely floored by the direction they took. It was unexpected, it was thrilling, and it was completely focused. I am so impressed. Lost has raised my expectations every year, and I'm sure I will be afraid this time next year, but hopefully I can re-read this and remind myself that there are talented story tellers out there still.

I'm gushing over a TV show. Seriously? Give me a break. I am excited by the strangest things, not to mention I am becoming a social recluse. But, at least I'm a recluse who might try making chicken curry tomorrow night, so that I might make it for others someday. That's forward thinking, right? Right? Ugh.



stefanie p. warmouth said...

see my latest blog post.

mt dad is john locke.

stefanie p. warmouth said...

although Mt. Dad would be pretty cool, i meant to say my dad.